Analysis Based on Distance

Analysis Based on Distance

 The ability to calculate and manipulate distances underlies many forms of spatial
o based on the concept that the separation of features or events on the Earth‘s
surface can tell us something useful
Measuring Distance and Length
 A metric is a rule for the determination of distance between points in a space.
 Pythagorean or straight-line metric is explained with an equation and diagram
o Notes this metric does not work for latitude and longitude, must use the spherical
metric provided in Section 5.7 to calculate great circles
 Distance along a route represented by a polyline is often calculated by summing the
lengths of each segment of the polyline
 Because there is a general tendency for polylines to short-cut corners, the length of a
polyline tends to be shorter than the length of the object it represents.
 Length of a 3 dimensional line measured off its planimetric representation will also be
shorter than its true length
 Builds a new object or objects by identifying all areas that are within a certain specified
distance of the original objects
 In raster, buffers can be spread outwards from objects to create friction surfaces
Cluster Detection
 Points patterns can be identified as clustered, dispersed, or random
 Kinds of processes responsible for point patterns are:
o First-order processes involve points being located independently
o Second-order processes involve interaction between points
 Briefly introduces the K function as an example of a descriptive statistic of pattern, and
explains a simple example
source: gis training module book
